Coincidence or providence?
The other day, I was thinking about a piece I had written last year that I was going to re-edit for publication on this site. It had to do with God's providence and how He uses His providence to give us confirmation that we are on the right path.
Often we chalk up God's providence and His confirmations to us as coincidences. Calling these communications from the Creator coincidences is one way we diminish His presence in our lives. God wants full credit for all that He does for us, so when He communicates confirmations to us with the power of His providence, we should shout it from the roof tops, at the top of our lungs.
As a testament to this power, Culture of Christ decided to start a new series called Coincidence or Providence. The day after this decision I was talking to my good friend and colleague Todd Walker. He told me that on his newfound spiritual journey he was seeing things happen to and around him that he suspected were the result of God.
"I'm trying to figure out if these things are Coincidence or Providence," he said to me.
I stopped in my tracks. This is usually when I say, "I couldn't believe it." Instead, I am saying,"Of course, I believe it. That's how God works!"
I told Todd about the decision I'd made the day before about the name of the series on Culture of Christ.
Needless to say, he was blown away.
Now he's a true believer in God's Providence.
So now, this is where you come in.
Do you have a story or a testimonial of God's Providence in your life? It can be a written piece (please, limit to 500 words) or a video (please, limit to 2 minutes).
Click here to contact us about your story.
We look forward to hearing from you and posting your story or video!