Weekly devotional - Pray without ceasing

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
Prayer is a powerful tool that you can use to change your thoughts and your world. God hears every prayer and responds in His own timetable. When you make a habit of consulting Him about everything, He’ll guide you along the path of His choosing, the path you should take.
Prayer is the way to open ourselves to God, and the way in which He shows us our unstable hearts and begins to strengthen them. When you petition Him for strength, He’ll give you the courage to face any problem and the power to meet any challenge.
The effective, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much. James 5:16
Continual prayer changes the quality of our thoughts and the direction of your day. Prayer changes things and it changes you, too.
Today, heavenly Father, instead of turning things over in my mind, I'll turn them over to you in prayer. I'll take my concerns to your throne, Lord, and leave them there. I know you are listening and want to hear from me.
And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven will also forgive you your wrongdoing." (Mark 11:25)
I must leave it to God to answer my prayers in His own wisest way. Sometimes, I am impatient, all humans are impatient at times, and think You do not answer. But You always answer. You never fail. I will be still and abide in You.
Let’s Pray
Dear heavenly Father, today, I thank you for the gift of prayer. I thank you for the gifts of life, the joy of a new day. I know if Father, if I ask, I shall receive. If I seek, I will find you. and if I knock, you will open a door for me. Though I don’t know what the day holds I know you will make straight my paths. When I encounter obstacles, I give them to you to solve. When I encounter worries, I give them over to you in prayer. When I encounter good, I give thanks. So I will pray to you throughout the day, rejoicing through all that I encounter. In Jesus name, Amen.